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AniVsObj version 1.03
June 2005

This software converts .an8 files from Anim8or to VideoScape .obj files (or .obj to .an8).
Anim8or is a great free 3D Modelling program.
VideoScape .obj files are used by Blender (Another great free 3D Modelling program).
AniVsObj support .an8 files from Anim8or v0.85 and v0.9.

Requires: Windows 32 bits.

News | Supported features | Using it | Licence | Download

AniVsObj v1.03 is available.
  • Several bugs fixed.

    AniVsObj v1.02 is available.
  • Several bugs fixed.

    AniVsObj v1.01 is available.
  • Several bugs fixed.

    AniVsObj v1.0 is available.
  • AniVsObj can read .an8 files with groups. AniVsObj ungroups all groups.

  • .an8 to .obj:
    AniVsObj converts all meshes of all objects of the .an8 file.
    It use local coordinates of the meshes in the objects.
    Diffuse colors are supported.
    Animations, sequences and figures from Anim8or not supported.
    Spheres, cubes, cylinder not supported (use "Build->Convert to mesh" in the Anim8or's menu).
    Subdivided not supported (use "Build->Convert to mesh" in the Anim8or's menu).
    2D shapes not supported (such as lines).

    .obj to .an8:
    Colors are not supported.

    The scale of models created in Anim8or and in Blender are not the same (Anim8or models are bigger).

    .an8 to .obj:
    Give the .an8 file to the converter:
    "AniVsObj file_name.an8" with the MS-Dos like console (Drag-and-drop is also possible).
    If you have several objects in your .an8 file, one .obj file will be exported for each objects of the .an8 file. The file names will be "OriginalAn8FileName_ObjectName.obj".

    If you have a problem, open you .an8 file with Anim8or and try to delete all not supported features (like sheres, lines,animations...). And try again.

    .obj to .an8:
    Give the .obj file to the converter:
    "AniVsObj file_name.obj" with the MS-Dos like console (Drag-and-drop is also possible).

    AniVsObj is free but it can be use for a non-comercial use only. There is no warranty. Use this program at your risk.

    Download AniVsObj here
    No source code available yet.